Toqi Zargaron


Next day we are going to Toqi Zargaron.💚
In the cold of the December,  practice is the little bad. However today the sun came out and give us happy mood.😀 Many places are closed. Foreign countries People travel and take photos with us. We communicate each other.

Toqi Zargaron is goldsmith tower. It is an architectural monument (16th century).
It is a shopping center for the sell of jewelry 💍. Toki Zargaron is the largest in Bukhara and there were 36 jewelry workshops and shops its in corridors.
It is located near the Ulugbek madrasa the center of the ancient city, covering the intersection of 2 main streets.

Currently antique jewelry and handicrafts are sold here.😻

It is believed that the dome was built before the arrival of the Arabs. In the work 📝 written by Vasifi as Bukhara charsus.


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